African Black Soap is different from other bars of soaps that we traditionally purchase from the store. It’s made with all natural ingredients like Palm oil and Plaintain ash, then formed into bars or large mounds of soap before being sold.
African Black Soap is naturally “gooey” as it is heated up into a thick paste that is then cured into what we see as natural black soap bars. Because of this, storing Pure Black Soap Bars is a lot different than traditional soaps.
How to Store Your African Black Soap
African Black Soap dissolves in water, which can make it easy to make a quick batch of liquid black soap, however, if that’s not your goal, it can be frustrating. So to avoid making unwanted liquid black soap here are tips on storing your African black soap:
Keep it in its packaging:
If you don’t plan on using your African Black Soap as soon as you purchase it, it’s a good idea to leave it in its original packaging to prevent any moisture or particles to get on your new soap.
Store In a Dry Place + Allow to Dry Completely:
Because Natural Black Soap dissolves in water, it would not be ideal to keep it in a place where it’s constantly being wet. Unless you want to make liquid black soap (check out our easy Chamomile Liquid Black Soap Recipe). Instead, when storing in a container ensure the top is off long enough for the soap to dry before placing the lid back on. If using a soap dish, make sure you dump out the water that sits at the bottom of the dish.
Keep Separate:
Sometimes Pure African Black Soap likes to merge with other soaps. That’s because when water is used, this softens the soap, causing it to “melt” onto anything it rests on (ever notice your soap takes the shape of your soap dish?). So to keep you and your African Black Soap happy, store the soap in its own container! :)

How do you store your African Black Soap? Share with us in the comments!
Comments (2)
LoreLoreina on August 30, 2021
Thanks for clarifying how to store African Black Soap. After an extensive search online, yours is the only information answering the question for storing. So much appreciation❣️
Vera on June 16, 2021
I put mine in a custard bucket siled it n kept in the store , hope it won’t spoil
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